What is it like working with

Duck Surf Rescue?

Some of the most important skills for a beach lifeguard to have are teamwork, communication, and the ability to work well under pressure. In addition to those skills, as a Captain for Duck Surf Rescue I regularly direct training, managed emergency operations for 30 lifeguards, take charge of administrative and organizational responsibilities, and at times mediate disagreements between coworkers. On a lighter note, I am one of two other Captains who coach newer lifeguards in preparation for USLA competitions. These competitions range from local competitions with other agencies, regional competitions against agencies in the Southeast United States, and even National level competitions.

Not many jobs have you live, work, and spend leisure time with your coworkers. This can create unique challenges but ultimately has allowed me to work cohesively with a wide variety of people to accomplish a singular goal. As someone who has participated in athletics for most of my life, it was very fulfilling to be a part of such a team oriented atmosphere.

If you’re interested in learning more about the day-to-day responsibilities of an ocean lifeguard, I recommended you check out the two videos on this page.